Monday, January 28, 2013

9 Sinful Views of Sin

1) "Sin is just breaking some rule"...Actually sin is violating who God is, and breaking relationship with Him.
2) "Jesus died so I'm forgiven"...Actually Jesus died so that you'd stop sinning
3) "If I don't confess every single sin and forget one I'm going to hell"...Jesus died for all sins; past, present (meaning your current thoughts on God falling short of who He really is, thereby making Him something less than the true God which is idolatry), and future.
4) "God knows my heart, and what's there is what counts"...Your life is a reflection of your heart, so you can't say my heart is good, but my life is bad.
5) "Sin is fun, life is boring so sometimes I allow it in my life"...If you love Jesus sin is never fun
6) "It's not a sin if no one gets hurt"...No matter what sin hurts someone, especially you, and Jesus when He was killed
7) "It's only sin if I get caught"...God knows, you're always caught.
8) "If it's very popular - even in Christian culture - it must be okay"...Jesus was a rebel, He was counter-cultural. We are called to not be of this world, just passing through.
9) "Everything must be a sin issue, even when it's not a sin"...Sometimes it's difference of opinion, or conscience. And some times things just happen in the case of Job or Jesus. Open bibles. Open discussion, not open war.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Often times the most consequential and significant choices, or events in life that we make and go through are not really our choices, but God's.

Here I am, in a river of questions.
Can I pour my heart out to a listening ear?
I see this life, its valley's and mountains
And I think of all the roads that brought me here
I've questioned my reasons.
The life I'm living. I've questioned my ability
to judge wrong from right.
I've questioned all the things that I've ever called certain
My race, my religion, my faith, my mind.
I've questioned significance, meaning and relevance.
Does the work I'm doing really matter at all?
Well I've questioned my friendships, alliance, dependence
Who will still be here when I fall?

But the one thing I don't question is you
God, You really love me like you say you do.